Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Praying For Our Enemies

Daniel 4:19 - Upon hearing this, Daniel (also known as Belteshazzar) was overcome for a time, frightened by the meaning of the dream.  Then the king said to him, "Belteshazzar, don't be alarmed by the dream and what it means."  Belteshazzar replied, "I wish the events foreshadowed in this dream would happen to your enemies, my lord, and not to you!"

One thing I have always admired about Daniel, was his ability to pray through every circumstance, and his ability to hope for the best for everyone regardless of who they were and what they did.  It could not have been easy to pray for Nebuchadnezzar's well-being and deliverance.  Daniel is a model of strong faith, and this is why his story is my favorite in the Bible.

Praying for my enemies is something I have always struggled with.  I know we are commanded by Jesus to love them and pray for them (Matthew 5:44), but sometimes, it's just not that easy.

I remember once I had a very difficult boss.  I wouldn't call her my enemy in the sense that we have come to think of the word, but it did seem that she was out to get me.  She knew that I had a bit of a temper, and one time she was trying to bait me into an argument in front of my staff.  I could sense that was what she was doing, and instead of flying off the handle (as she expected me to), I told her, "You know what, I hope you're right and I'm going to pray for you."  And then I walked away.  That was the hardest thing for me to do in that situation.  But you know what, I did feel better about it afterwards.  I believed that I had responded the way I was supposed to.  And I did pray for her regularly.

A few weeks later, I had a meeting with her boss and this situation was brought up.  Her boss told me that he believed that when I said I would pray for her, I was being rude and insensitive.  He said that if I had said that to him it would have pissed him off.  I wasn't entirely surprised by his comment, so I just shrugged him off.  Then he asked me if I would want someone to say that to me.  Talk about throwing me a curveball!  I said, "You bet I would!  I'll take all the prayers I can get!"  He didn't like that answer much.

In this section of the story of Daniel, not only was Daniel upset at what the dream meant, he begged Nebuchadnezzar to repent of his sins, and to follow what was right according to God (Daniel 4:27).  Now there's a curveball!

I can understand that Daniel did not want any harm to come to Nebuchadnezzar, because I believe that is always the right attitude to have.  But to actually pray for the man's salvation?!  That's the hard part!  But it's right.  This is where I need to improve.  I have never really had a problem praying for the well-being of anybody.  However, I have always struggled taking that extra step of compassion towards those who wish me ill.  I think in the situation with my boss at the time, and subsequently her boss, I should have been praying for more than just clarity and right judgment.  I should have been praying for their salvation.  But I wasn't.  And that really bothers me that I didn't.

All I can do now, is ask for God's forgiveness, and make sure that I am praying for these things now.  He has given me another day on this earth to get my heart right and completely surrendered to Him.  And by His grace, He will give me many more to come.  But I can't expect that to be the case.  I have to pray now as though it was my last chance to ever do so before I meet Him for my judgment.  Will you pray with me?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for putting this on my heart today.  I beg for your forgiveness for not praying for those people completely, like I should have.  I should have known better, and I have no excuse.  Thank You for giving me another day to get my heart right and for Your grace and salvation.  I pray that the people You have put on my heart will not only have the clarity and right judgment to perform their duties and live their lives, but I also pray that they will come to know You.  I pray for Your Holy Spirit to stir in their hearts in such a way that they will realize their need for You, and will invite You to be the Lord of their lives forever.  Thank You for being the God of second chances.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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