Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Letting It Go

Ephesians 4:31-32  - Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior.  Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

It can be so hard sometimes to let it go, and get over it.  Regardless of what that "IT" may be, it's not easy.  One thing I have learned about my Lord and Savior over the last few years, is that He never said it would be easy.  In fact, he said the opposite.  He promised that we would have many trials and tribulations (John 16:33).  But one of the promises that He has made repeatedly since the beginning, was that He would always be there with me as I go through my trials.  He will never leave or forsake me (Deuteronomy 31:6; Matthew 28:20).

As I begin the process of repairing and restoring one of my most treasured relationships I have on this earth, I look to Jesus to guide and comfort me through it all.  Regardless of how much I have been hurt over the last year and a half, it doesn't matter.  I cannot hold onto that hurt, because it will just consume me and eat me up inside.

I am reminded of the story of Joseph.  This guy was betrayed and sold as a slave by his own brothers.  He spent over a decade in prison because of false charges that never would have occurred if his brothers had not have done what they did.  Did he hold any grudges?  When they came to him during the famine in Israel, did he point to the door and tell them, "Don't let it hit you in the butt on the way out!"?  No, he didn't.  He recognized that God was at work the whole time, and used his circumstances to bless his family as well as his native land (Genesis 45:5).

Now, I don't have any grand designs on what God may have in store for me.  I am merely going to be obedient and reconcile (Matthew 5:23-24).  I can only hope and pray that my prayers are heard as I take these baby steps.  I know that God loves me, and because I have given my heart to him completely, I don't have any room for the bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, or slander.  I have let it all go so that He can fill it up with kindness, tenderheartedness, forgiveness, and love.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me.  I pray for your protection during my travels today, and the calm and peace that I can only get from You, for the task ahead of me.  I know that You love me, and You want to bless me.  I pray that I will only speak words of love today, and I ask You to cast out any bitterness and anger that may be in my heart and get in my way.  I know You will be with me always, and never leave or forsake me, because You said You would.  And I know that You always keep Your promises.  I pray for others that are struggling with some of these same issues and need to be reconciled.  Not only to someone else, but they also need to be reconciled to You.  My prayer is that they will take the first step towards redemption and reconciliation, and invite You into their hearts and lives.  And through this process, they will lose all bitterness and anger and rage, and be filled with Your love and kindness towards everyone else; forgiving others as You have forgiven us.  All things through You are possible, Lord.  In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I ask this.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

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