Thursday, September 4, 2014

Light It Up

Matthew 5:16 - In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.

What's the best way to share the Gospel with someone?  Live it.  I am sure we have all heard the saying, "You might be the only Bible that some people read."  It may be a cliche, but how do you think a cliche becomes a cliche?

It's a very accurate statement.  Some people might never crack open a Bible, or attend a church for something other than a wedding or a funeral.  How are they supposed to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ that promises to redeem and save us all?  By observing how we live our lives.

This doesn't mean that we should never share the words in the Bible, or the meanings that God reveals to us.  But the more we are able to back up those words and meanings with practical application in our daily lives, the more effective they become.  I'm not saying the Bible isn't enough.  I'm saying that some people just require a little extra sometimes.  Some people are a little more hard headed or stubborn than others (yes, I'm talking about me).

Jesus wanted us to be beacons that shine His light on the world, like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden (Matthew 5:14).  Well how do we do that?  By letting His love shine through us for all to see.  When people see us acting different than everyone else, believe me they will ask questions.  They may think that we're crazy, or perhaps it's just a phase we're going through.  But they will ask questions.  It's certainly not a phase we're going through, but a world we're passing through on our way to our eternal home in Heaven.

I've been trying to share the Gospel with my Sister for the last couple of years.  It's been difficult to get through to her with words sometimes.  What I do when I can't find the words?  I share the words of the One who said it best.  Recently, I invited her to church again (as I do frequently), to which she replied, "No thanks, I'm good for now."  To which I replied that I hoped it wasn't too late, meaning that when she realized that she wasn't 'good for now' anymore, I hoped it wouldn't be too late for her.  And then I shared with her Jesus' words from the Gospel of Mark.  He said, "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in Heaven or the Son Himself.  Only the Father knows.  And since you don't know when that time will come, be on guard!  Stay alert!" (Mark 13:32-33).

I wasn't trying to scare her into anything, I was trying to get through to her.  I was trying to be realistic with her.  I see that a lot of times, people are so afraid of offending others, that they hold back from being honest with them.  They are so afraid of upsetting someone that they are more inclined to tell them what they want to hear, instead of the truth.  What help is that?  It does such a disservice to the ones we love when we hold back the truth.  This doesn't mean be rude about it, but don't be afraid to speak the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15).  That's what Jesus did.

When it comes to shining brightly for the world, don't be afraid!  Some people may not like it, or may even be offended by our unashamed love for God and His people.  Who cares!  Light the world up anyway!  If they say that the Gospel is offensive, then I say GOOD!  It should offend us all right into confession, repentance, and salvation!  James tells us that faith by itself isn't enough, and if it doesn't produce good deeds, it is dead and useless (James 2:17).  What better good deed could we possibly do than to share the Gospel with someone by being an shining example of how much God's love can really transform all of our lives?  God's love lights us up so that we are that shining city on the hilltop for everyone to see.

Don't be discouraged.  Light it all up for everyone to see.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for the Good News of the salvation for us all through Your Son Jesus Christ.  Thank You for putting it on our hearts to share the message through words and through how we live our lives.  I pray that we all will let the light of Your love shine through us for everyone to sit up and take notice.  I pray for those that need to hear or see Your message.  My prayer is that they will come across someone who has Your love shining through them so bright that they have to squint their eyes.  I pray that when they hear Your words, they will be convicted by Your Holy Spirit and turn their hearts and lives over to You for eternity.  Thank You for any and every opportunity You provide to share Your love.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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