Tuesday, September 16, 2014

I'm Good Right Here

1 Kings 19:21 - So Elisha returned to his oxen and slaughtered them.  He used the wood from the plow to build a fire to roast their flesh.  He passed around the meat to the townspeople, and they all ate.  Then he went with Elijah as his assistant.

During my quiet time last night, I came across this passage and the point was made that you cannot stay where you are and go with God.  I thought about this, and it made such profound sense to me.

As Christians, we should be willing and eager to be where God is at work, regardless of where that may be.  But that can be tough.  Picking up and going in obedience to God's call requires faith and oftentimes major adjustments to our lives.  That is what Elisha did here.  Although he did balk slightly at first, when Elijah told him to think about it, Elisha knew he had to go immediately.  He destroyed his plow and oxen, so that he wouldn't have the temptation of returning.  His faith caused him to make a major adjustment to his life by giving up everything he ever knew, so that he could be where God was at work.

During my life as a Christian, how often have I caught myself saying, "I'm good right here.  If God wants to use me, He can do it right here."  That's not how it works.  Our lives are not to be lived and led on our own terms.  That's not what the sacrifice of Jesus was about.  When we commit our lives to Christ, we need to be all in.  Jesus was certainly all in when He gave His life on the cross.  How can we possibly do any less?

The story in Luke 18 about the rich man wanting to be with Jesus is sort of the opposite of the story of Elisha (Luke 18:18-29).  He wanted to go with Jesus, but he could not make that ultimate sacrifice and commitment to Him by selling everything off and leaving his old life behind.  When I think about the idea of leaving a small crack in the door to my old life, it makes me reflect on how my old life was before I came to know Christ.  Was it really that good?  Not even close.  If it was, I wouldn't have come to Christ on my knees begging His forgiveness and asking Him to take control of my heart and life.

Now that I have invited Him in to take charge, I have to be willing to answer that call wherever it may lead me to.  My life isn't to be lived on my own terms, but His.  I may think that I'm good right where I'm at, but am I?  How can I expect to see the full blessings that God has for me in this life, if I'm not where He is?

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding me that I can't stay where I am and go with You at the same time.  I pray that I will respond in faith to Your calling and make whatever adjustments I need to in order to be obedient to You.  I don't want my life to be lived on my terms.  I want it on Yours.  My terms don't work for me.  I pray for those that are hesitating to answer Your call and go where You are.  My prayer is that they will respond like Elisha, and not the rich man, and do what they have to in order to be obedient to You.  I pray that we all will.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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