Friday, September 12, 2014

It's For Everyone!

Daniel 4:37 - "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of Heaven.  All His acts are just and true, and He is able to humble the proud."

It goes without saying, that Nebuchadnezzar was not the nicest of people.  That much is obvious.  He was downright brutal against his enemies, and was very prideful.  Yet God was able to use him.  How is that possible?!  He was also redeemed and restored by God when he believed.  How is that possible?!  Because the redemption and restoration that God offers is for everyone!  Even those we least likely realize.

Most of us believe that throughout the Old Testament, God is only trying to help His chosen people.  While that is His main focus, it's not the only thing He is doing.  He does show us from time to time that He was interested in saving all of humanity, as we see in this chapter of Daniel.  Paul tells us in Romans that the Good News of Christ is for the Jew first and also the Gentile (Romans 1:16).  This wasn't groundbreaking news.  At least it shouldn't have been.  God had already showed us that He could and would use anyone, and He could and would save anyone who believed.

How many times do we believe we are unworthy?  I think most of us have gone through periods of our lives where we just could not believe that God would want to spend His valuable time on someone like ourselves.  I know I felt that way for years.  Part of the reason I spent 10 years after I was saved not having any kind of relationship with Christ, was because I didn't believe that He wanted to hear from me.

Fortunately, I was wrong.  Jesus didn't die JUST to save us.  He died also so that we could be with Him for eternity.  He died so that we could be as close as brothers.  Even though I do not believe that I am the most interesting person in the world, it warms my heart that the God of the universe and all creation, desires an intimate loving relationship with me.  It makes everything I do to spend time in His Word, and in prayer talking to Him, completely and totally worth it.

God loves everyone.  God will always love everyone.  He is willing to save, redeem, and restore everyone.  If you are ever going through one of those periods of self-doubt, take a minute to pause and remember that God desires nothing but the best for You.  And He will give you nothing but His best when You are faithful and obedient to Him.  He already sacrificed His only Son so that He could spend eternity with you and me, and everyone who would believe.  He believes you're worth it.  It's time for you to start believing it too.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for showing me that I was worth it.  I know there is nothing I could do that would make me worth it.  Only Your love and grace can do that, and I am eternally grateful.  I pray for those that can't get over that struggle to believe that You truly love them and want nothing but great things for them.  My prayer is that they will stop and take a minute to talk with You, so that You can show them just how much You love them.  I pray that we all take a minute to reflect on Your love for us, and believe that it really is for everyone.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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