Friday, September 26, 2014

But Why?

1 Kings 18:40 - Then Elijah commanded, "Seize all the prophets of Baal.  Don't let a single one escape!"  So the people seized them all, and Elijah took them down to the Kishon Valley and killed them there.

During a recent discussion between myself and a couple of friends, this incident was brought up.  A friend said he didn't really understand why Elijah would have killed these prophets of Baal.  We all know that God loves us all, and is willing to forgive us for anything if we ask, so why did they have to die?  It made me think about it, and I think there are a few reasons why they were killed, and no one else was during this incident.

For starters, the people that were witnesses to this contest between the prophets of Baal and Elijah all repented and recognized that the Lord was indeed God (1 Kings 18:39).  Were they guilty of idol worship?  Yes indeed they were, but they also repented and confessed their belief in the Lord as God before they had run out of chances to do so.

Second, these prophets of Baal were guilty of not only idol worship, breaking the first commandment (Exodus 20:2-3), but they were also guilty of bearing false witness (8th commandment; Exodus 20:16) by being false prophets of a false god.  These were biggies according to the Mosaic Law (as are all of the 10 commandments).  However, in my opinion, the kicker with these false prophets was that they didn't repent.  The people did when they saw the power of God, but the false prophets didn't.  They saw the same thing that everyone else did, and there is no excuse for them not to have repented.

The third thing that comes to my mind here, is that God has to punish sin.  He cannot allow sin to go unchecked.  Jesus told us that all sin and blasphemy can be forgive with the exception of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit (Matthew 12:31).  Do you think that the reaction of the false prophets would qualify as blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is God, and they saw the exact same thing as everyone else did that day on Mount Carmel.  They saw God reveal Himself in a remarkably spectacular way.  The people realized what it was and repented.  The false prophets saw it and basically said, "Ehh, just smoke and mirrors."  Do you think that Elijah would have killed them if God had told him not to?  I sincerely doubt it.  He was highly favored by God, in the same way that Moses was,

Some people have, and will probably continue to use for a long time, the argument that if God was so loving and forgiving, why would He have them killed.  Or why does He allow bad things happen to good people.  When bad things happen to good people, it isn't because God allows it to happen in the sense we think of.  The people doing the bad things are operating apart from God's will.  They are exercising their free will to do bad things.  God is incapable of doing bad.  And He won't violate free will.  He wants us all to use our free will to return to Him in repentance and accept His free gift of salvation.  He doesn't want anyone to die separated from Him (2 Peter 3:9).

When Jesus spoke of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit being the only thing that is unforgivable, I always take that as when we are given the last chance to confess and repent, if we still choose to reject Jesus Christ at that last minute, we are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  That's basically what happened here.  Everyone on Mount Carmel saw the spectacular hand of God at work, and were given a final chance to confess and repent.  Those that did were spared, those that didn't were punished.

We never know when our last chance to confess and repent may come.  So instead of waiting until it's too late, maybe it's better if we do so now and start living our lives for the God that loved us so much that He sacrificed His only Son so that we could be reconciled to Him for eternity.

Abba Father, thank You for giving me so many chances to repent and return to You, and to live my life for Your glory.  I never deserved as many chances as You gave me, but I am grateful that You are as forgiving and merciful as You have shown Yourself to be.  I pray that my life will be a reflection of Your light of love to everyone.  I pray for those that don't believe.  For those that have had numerous opportunities to accept Your free gift of love and salvation, but haven't.  My prayer is that they will do so before it is too late for them.  I pray that they will do it now, and begin to live their lives completely sold out for the cause of Your Glorious Kingdom.  If I can be a part of leading them to You in any way, I am Your willing servant.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

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