Friday, October 3, 2014

That's A Little Personal, Isn't It?

Jeremiah 1:5 - "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb.  Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations."

One of the biggest things I really love about God, is the personal interest and care He gives to all of us.  He could have easily treated us like a factory of robots to carry out His will on earth, but He doesn't work like that.  He has taken a personal interest in every single person that has ever walked this earth.  Even those who refuse to believe in and acknowledge Him are known intimately by Him.

What really put this on my heart today, was a recent discussion about the story of Hagar in the book of Genesis.  The interesting thing about this person, is that she was never intended to be a part of God's plan for building up the nation of Israel.  She was injected into the story because of Sarah's desire to speed up God's plan according to her timetable.

Sarah had a plan to use Hagar to accomplish God's purpose, but God didn't.  Since He won't violate free will, He allowed the plan to continue.  But Sarah's jealousy caused her to send Hagar away twice (Genesis 16 and 21).  Both times, Hagar was about to die during her travels.  But God intervened and rescued her and her son both times.  Why?

Because regardless of  our plans, God still has His plans, and they are always better than ours (Isaiah 55:8).  Ishmael was never intended to be part of God's plan to build the nation of Israel.  So what purpose did he serve?  To build a rival nation that would constantly be at war with Israel?  That's one way to look at it.

But the real purpose, I believe, was for Him to show His glory by His protection of His chosen people.  Yes, the nation that grew from Ishmael would be at war with Israel constantly, but God has used that conflict to show His great power and protection over Israel.  We all serve a purpose for God's glory and Kingdom.

Ever have someone stand a little closer than you'd like?  Whether it's intentional or not, when someone invades your personal space, it's a little uncomfortable isn't it?  Drives me crazy sometimes.  That's how God is with His chosen people - which includes all of us.  He likes to get up close and personal with us, so that He can show not just those that don't believe how much He loves and cares for us, but so He can show us how much He loves and cares for us.  Sometimes we need that reminder that He really does love us, and that He really is there looking out for our best interests.

He doesn't fault us for being human and having doubts sometimes.  He made us that way.  He made us that way so that we would rely on Him for love and protection.  They say that it's not polite to talk about politics or religion in certain situations.  Why?  Because it makes some people uncomfortable.  They feel that you're getting a little too personal.

I think that when it comes to finding out where they stand in their relationship with God is very personal.  And that's exactly what we should be doing.  Jesus commanded us to go into the world and make disciples (Matthew 28:19).  He didn't say, "Don't get personal about it."  We have to get personal.  That's what God does, and that's what He expects of us.  How can we share the Gospel with someone if we don't know where they stand.  This doesn't mean we can be rude or abrasive about it.  It should always be done in love, but it should always be done.

If we ask someone where they stand in their relationship with Jesus Christ and they respond by saying, "That's a little personal, isn't it?"  The answer should be, "Yes it is."  God took a personal interest in us long before we were ever a gleam in our parent's eyes.  Shouldn't we be doing the same for His children.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for loving and caring for me in an intimate and personal way.  Thank You for thinking of me long before I was ever formed in my mother's womb, and having a great plan for me since time began.  I pray that I will fulfill Your commission to spread Your Word to anyone that needs to hear it.  I pray that I can show them how much of a loving and personal God You are.  I pray for those that don't know You.  My prayer is that they will come to an intimate love relationship with You through the power of Your Holy Spirit.  I pray that I can be used as a conduit for Your light to shine and that I will be obedient to Your call.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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