Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Not Them Too?!

John 4:27 - Just then His disciples came back.  They were shocked to find Him talking to a woman, but none of them had the nerve to ask, "What do You want with her?" or "Why are You talking to her?"

Although the Apostle John didn't write it here, I believe there was probably at least one of the disciples, if not more, that was thinking, "I know He told us to love everyone, but I'm sure He didn't mean them too.  Not the Samaritans."

But why wouldn't He mean them too?  Isaiah told us that the heir to David's throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world (Isaiah 11:10).  I'm not a geography whiz, but I'm pretty sure that when Isaiah said 'all the world', he was including the next door neighbor of the Jews.

How about today?  Ever stereotype someone because of what they do (or don't do), or what they believe (or don't believe)?  I would venture a guess to say that a significant majority of us do.  Well if our goal is to be true disciples of Jesus, what's our reasoning for stereotyping, or even worse, not accepting others?  Stereotyping is something that humans do.  Not accepting someone is from the enemy.

I have caught myself, more than I care to admit, saying to myself, "He couldn't have meant them too."  Paul talked about this when he said, "Therefore, accept each other just as Christ has accepted you so that God will be given glory" (Romans 15:7).  Now, while a man may have written those words with a pen, they are there because God wanted them there.  Sort of like Paul was taking dictation for God.

Paul also said, "Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 15:6).  Now, I'm not a math whiz either, but I'm pretty sure that when he said 'all of you', he was including every single person.  That's a tough one sometimes though, isn't it?  I mean everyone?

What about the one who did (fill in the blank)?  Or that guy I saw (fill in the blank)?  Yeah...they would be included in 'all of you'.  They would be included in 'all the world'.

For those that know me, I have a bit of a patience problem.  I'm really impatient with people in general, but particularly those with whom I have labeled in a particular way.  When people seem to be lacking common sense, I tend to lose it pretty easy and give up on them.  That's a problem.  That's something I have been working on, and will be continuing to work on for some time to come.  When I catch myself getting frustrated, which is easy to do, I have to force myself to pray through it.  I have to remind myself that of that really key part of Romans 15:7 where Paul said, "Just as Christ has accepted you."

(Side Note: If we are ever having a conversation where we are not agreeing on something, and you see me start to grit my teeth, please stop and tell me to stop and pray. The teeth gritting is when I am starting to get upset).

I'm sure there are more than a few million times where God was 'gritting his teeth' with me.  But He didn't give up on me.  He accepted me long before I invited Him into my heart.  A quote that is often attributed to Abraham Lincoln says, "My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side, for God is always right."  Whether or not Lincoln actually said that doesn't matter.  The point is that we should be striving to be on God's side, and let Him decide who we should be loving and accepting, because He is always right.  The great thing is, He has already decided.  He did say 'all the world', didn't He?

Dear Abba Father, thank You for reminding me that there is still work to be done for my patience.  I beg Your forgiveness for my many sins, and for falling short in my love for everyone as You have commanded.  I am grateful for Your mercy and grace which You freely give so that I may continue to love and serve You and all of Your children.  I pray for continued strength today and every day to follow Your commands wholeheartedly and without putting my own two cents in.  I also pray for those that are struggling with this same issue.  For whatever reason, they have trouble accepting others that may sin differently than themselves, or they fall short of their own personal standards for whatever reason.  My prayer is that since we are not qualified to judge by any standards, only You are, and Your standards are perfect, I pray that we will all leave the judging up to You, and do more accepting.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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