Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Romans 8:11 - The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you.  And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, He will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.

Ever get anxious?  I'm sure you have.  Most people do.  Ever have anxiety or panic attacks?  A lot of us have.  What causes your anxiety?  Everyone has different reasons for it.  Mine has always been caused by a fear of death.

Most everyone has a fear of death at some level.  Some worse than others.  Mine used to be debilitating sometimes.  I would get an anxiety attack, and not be able to function.  Just thinking about it would freak me out.

An anxiety disorder is different from fear.  The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th edition) tells us, "Fear is the emotional response to real or perceived imminent threat, whereas anxiety is anticipation of future threat" (2013, Pg. 189).  I would anticipate dying and be paralyzed.  It was a subject that I never could talk about, and made me sick to my stomach to even think about.  So what's the point of all this?  For starters, the fact that I am able to even write about this is a testimony to the saving and healing power of  God.

I was saved over 16 years ago, however I didn't have a relationship with Jesus Christ until about 6 years ago.  So what changed?  A message I heard in church that talked about fear and anxiety, and how God can take it away when we trust Him.  And that's exactly what He did.  The closer I have drawn to Him, the more I realize that this sometimes crippling fear I had was because I wasn't sure of what was ahead of me after I died.  In other words, I didn't know where I was going.

I realized that the panic attacks I was having was the Holy Spirit trying to get my attention.  He was doing His job of convicting my heart and leading me to God.  And by the grace of God, it worked!  It has taken some time, but I am pretty much over the anxiety that would cause me to have to pull over on the freeway because I couldn't function behind the wheel.

From time to time, I will feel a little panic set in, but I overcome it through prayer.  The anxiety I get now is from the enemy.  I know this, because it only happens when I'm reading the Bible.  I can feel my mind wander away from the page I'm reading and start to think about how bad I used to be, and how pointless it is for me to spend time interacting and engaging with my Lord and Savior.  That definitely isn't the Holy Spirit convicting me of any unresolved sin I have.  That is the enemy trying to lie to me and tell me that God hasn't healed me.  Fortunately, I was able to recognize it for what it is by the grace of God.

Whenever I feel those little panic attacks come on, I remind myself of Paul's words.  He said, "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1).  This means that when I confess and repent of my sins to God, He doesn't hold them against me.  No matter what lie the enemy tries to put in my head, I have to remember God's promise of eternal life in His Glorious Kingdom because of His amazing grace.  We are all going to die some day.  I know where I am going, and I want to take as many people as I can with me.

Peter told us to give all of our anxieties to God because He cares for us (1 Peter 5;7).  That is some of the greatest advice anyone could ever give.  God has already overcome everything, and while His Holy Spirit will convict me of unresolved sin, He will never condemn me once I have confessed and repented of them, because I belong to Christ Jesus.

What are you anxious about?  What causes you to lose sleep, or sometimes even have incapacitating anxiety?  The next time you feel it creeping in, stop and pray.  Give it all over to God.  Remember Isaiah's words, "Say to those who have an anxious heart, 'Be strong; fear not!  Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God.  He will come and save you' "(Isaiah 35:4).  The recompense of God is the atonement and reward He promises us when we are faithful.  Trust Him and He will heal you.  Trust Him and He will save you.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for the healing You give.  Thank You for saving me, when I believed the lie that I was unsavable.  I know I will sin from time to time, but I am grateful for Your grace and mercy when I confess and repent of them.  I pray those sins that I allow to creep into my life will be few and far between.  Lord, I want to lift up those who have fears and anxieties that keep them from coming to You.  My prayer is that Your Holy Spirit will stir in their hearts and lead them to You so that they can see that You really can heal when we let You in.  I pray for any healing they need to come quickly so that they can begin the good work You have set for them for Your Kingdom.  In the name of Jesus Christ I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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