Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Wasn't Me...

1 Chronicles 21:17 - And David said to God, "I am the one who called for the census!  I am the one who has sinned and done wrong!  But these people are as innocent as sheep - what have they done?  O Lord my God, let your anger fall against me and my family, but do not destroy Your people!"

David did something very unique here.  He took accountability for his sin, accepted responsibility for the consequences, and offered himself as a sacrifice for God's people (okay so that was a few things).  What makes it unique is that people, including some leaders, don't really do that.

How often do we encounter people that don't understand the concept of accountability?  We confront them with a mistake or something and they say, "Wasn't me."?  I actually worked with a guy recently that blamed people for his mistakes even though they had been gone from the company for 6 months!  Why is it so hard to accept what we did was wrong and fess up to it?

I suppose it's human nature to want to avoid punishment.  We are afraid of the consequences we may face, and want to get away with things for as long as we can.  But who does that hurt?  Everyone.  Most importantly though, it hurts our relationship with our Heavenly Father.  He has promised to forgive AND forget our sins when we confess and repent from them, so what holds us back?  Maybe we're just leery of getting something for nothing, so the idea of God's free gift of grace is hard to accept.  That's also human nature, I suppose.  But God can free us from these quirky habits and tendencies when we allow Him in.

What is interesting in this story of David and the census, is that God had already told the angel to stop his punishment of His people (verse 15).  David was a man after His heart.  He had already confessed His guilt to Gad, but He hadn't confessed it to God.  But God knew he was about to.  It wasn't just the confession that touched God's heart, it was the offer to sacrifice himself for God's people.  Jesus talked about this kind of sacrifice in the Gospel of John when He said, "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13).

David understood this concept, and accepted his role as the leader of God's people.  He recognized that a leader after God's heart didn't just take accountability and accept responsibility for his actions.  A leader after God's heart leads from the front of those he leads.

Am I willing to step in the front and lead those that God puts in my charge, or will I shy away and offer excuses and play the blame game?  God doesn't want to hear it wasn't me.  He knows better.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for Your free gift of love and grace.  Thank You for reminding me that to be someone after You heart, I have to seek Your will in all I do, and take responsibility for my shortcomings by confessing and repenting of my sins.  I know this will not always be the popular concept in this world, but I do not want to be conformed to the things of this world, but transformed into the image of Your Son Jesus Christ.  I pray for those leaders, and really everyone, that doesn't accept the responsibility that is theirs.  They play the blame game, and push everything off on others.  My prayer is that You will convict their heart of their sin, and they will confess and repent of their sins so that You can bless them as You always desire.  In Jesus' name, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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