Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Always Willing

Luke 5:13 - Jesus reached out and touched him.  "I am willing," He said.  "Be healed!"  And instantly the leprosy disappeared.

Jesus is always willing to heal us.  When we invite Him into our hearts, and ask Him to heal us, He will heal them and make them clean.

The display of faith and trust by the man with leprosy is inspiring (verse 12).  It doesn't say that he tried all sorts of remedies and cures first.  It merely says that He recognized Jesus for who He is, and trusted that He could and would heal him if He was willing.

That's all it takes for us to be healed of our sickness called sin.  We just have to talk to God, and ask Him to heal us.  The beauty of it, is that He is always willing.  He doesn't tell us to come back when we've had some time to think about it, or anything like that.  All we have to say is if You are willing Lord, You can heal me.  And He will.  This doesn't mean that we can just keep on sinning and expect Him to forgive us.  But it is comforting to know that when we do make mistakes, God is always willing to forgive us.

Am I being faithful and giving my problems and that which ails me up to God?  Or am I trying home remedies and cures to figure out my own problems first?  Am I putting my trust and faith in the One that can and will heal me because He is always willing, or am I believing the lie of the enemy that I have gone too far?

Dear Abba Father, thank You for always being willing to forgive me and heal me.  Sometimes I feel so broken inside, and I am almost able to convince myself that this time, You just won't do it anymore.  I know that is the enemy trying to convince me of a lie.  I pray for Your strength and courage, along with Your healing, to resist the temptation to believe in the lie, and to put my trust and faith in You first, foremost, and always.  I pray for those that have not been able to resist that temptation.  My prayer is that You will put it in their heart to see the enemy for what he is - a liar -  and turn their hearts towards You in faith and trust for the healing that only You can provide.  In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen!

God Bless!!!

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