Friday, November 14, 2014

Just In Time

1 Corinthians 15:8 - Last of all, as though I had been born at the wrong time, I also saw Him.

Ever take one of those quizzes on social media where you have to answer some questions and then it tells you what decade or time period you were supposed to be born in?  How about if you ever just feel like you were born at the wrong time?  Like maybe life would have been easier if you were raised in a different decade, perhaps 20 or 30 years earlier?  I used to think about that a lot when I was younger.  Probably because I always got along better with those who were older than me.

I can imagine Paul's thoughts here.  Someone who believed that he was unworthy to be redeemed and saved by Christ because of his previous actions towards the other Christians, felt like he was born at the wrong time.  I can't imagine someone else writing those great letters he wrote that make up most of the New Testament in the Bible.  Of course, God could have used anyone, but He wanted Paul.  And for that I am grateful.  Over the last few years, Paul has quickly become my favorite writer of all time.

Reading this passage today reminded me of Queen Esther.  After living her early life being raised by her cousin following the death of her parents, she suddenly found herself on the short list of those being considered to be the next Queen.  Not too bad for a former orphan, not to mention a Jew in a country where they were not liked none too much.  After she became Queen, the plot against the Jews is discovered and her cousin who had raised her as his own daughter asked for her help.  She hemmed and hawed a bit before he put it to her rather succinctly.  I loved Mordecai's words when he said, "Don't think for a moment that because you're in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed.  If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die.  Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this" (Esther 4:13-14).

Reading that reminds me that I am exactly where I am in the span of human existence for a purpose.  We all are.  God has us exactly where He wants us for a reason.  And it's not just limited to our being alive.  It's our jobs, our families, our churches.  We are exactly where we are, because that is exactly where God wanted us to be.

If He had wanted any one of us to be born at a different time, including Saul of Tarsus, isn't He beyond capable of that?  He is the Creator of everything, I think He could easily manage having us born at a different time.

When I think of it in that perspective, I am grateful that I have been born when I was.  I may not be crazy about the prospect of turning 40 in a few months, but I am grateful for what I have been blessed to experience in my time in this world.  While it would have been cool to experience some different time periods throughout history, I am grateful for the things we have that make life a little easier than they had it 'back in the day'.

It could be that I'm part of a spoiled generation that doesn't know what it's like to wash their clothes by hand, or has always had television as part of every day life.  Perhaps that's true.  We've been spoiled by a loving Father that wanted us right where we are, exactly now, for a time such as this.

Dear Abba Father, thank You for spoiling me.  Thank You for putting me exactly where You want me, and exactly when You wanted me.  I pray that I am obedient to Your call to go wherever I am needed to serve Your Kingdom while I am here.  We have all been blessed to be where we are by Your gracious hand, and I pray that I will not complain about things being the way they are, because I know that any and all pain and suffering now is nothing compared to the glory You have in store for us.  Thank You for thinking about me long before the world began, and having a great and perfect plan for me back then.  In the name of Jesus Christ I thank You and praise You.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

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