Friday, November 7, 2014

Did I Just Say That?

Psalm 141:3 - Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.

If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything.  That would probably qualify as the unofficial "Mom Translation" of this verse.  If I had a nickel for every time my mom said this to me as a kid, I'd be up there with Bill Gates on the Forbes list.

The real question is, did I take heed of this after hearing it from mom on an almost daily basis?  Probably not so much.  It's not her fault.  I'm just hard-headed, and like to speak my mind (and if she reads this, I got it from Dad!).  However, speaking your mind doesn't mean being a douchebag about it (I have qualified for this before).  There's a fine line between saying what you have to say to defend yourself from being taken advantage of, and douchebaggery (I don't think that's a real word).

The Apostle Paul told us to speak the truth in love so that we may grow more and more like Christ in every way (Ephesians 4:15).  Man that can be a tough one sometimes given the state of the world these days.  Just driving on a Southern California freeway for a half hour is enough to make someone forget that Jesus is sitting next to them.

Speaking of Jesus, He had some pretty good words about what comes out of our mouths.  He said, "A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.  What you say flows from what is in your heart" (Luke 6:45).  Did I mention the Southern California freeways?

David understood this long before Jesus spoke the words to the rest of us.  In this prayer in Psalm 141, right after he asked God to take control of his lips and words, He asked God not to let him drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness (verse 4).  He knew, despite his close and intimate relationship with his Creator and Lord, that his heart could turn quickly towards evil if he didn't have help guarding it.

That's what I tend to struggle with quite a bit (I did mention the freeways, right?).  I remember watching a movie where a woman was real upset with someone and just about every other word out of her mouth was of the four letter variety.  When someone said something to her about it with the words, "You can't say that, you're saved," her response was to look around and say, "No one from my church is here."

Is that who we are aiming to please?  Is that whose opinions we are seeking the approval of? (Did I really just end a sentence with a preposition?!)  How often do people say negative, or down right mean things to us, and we respond in kind?  It's easy for us to try to justify it by saying we were out of cheeks to turn (Matthew 5:39).  That can be somewhat understandable, but as a Pastor once said, ask yourself if you would say it if Jesus was standing right there with you - because He is.

I once heard someone say that they struggled with this when they drove too (he must have been on the same freeways).  He said that he had been trying to get in the habit of praying for the ones that upset him, instead of using sign language to communicate his opinion of them.  That was some good advice.  That is someone who is attempting to do their part of the work in progress.

Yes, God is the One that began the good work within us, and will continue His work unit it is finished on the day when Christ returns (Philippians 1:6), but we still have to do our part.

When I catch myself trying to respond in kind to those who would try to get me to drift toward evil or take part in acts of wickedness, I need to remember to pray like David did for God to take control of what I say, and guard my lips.  And, more importantly, guard my heart.  Instead of me asking myself after the fact if I really just said that, I need to be proactive in asking God to intervene in my heart.

Dear Lord God thank You for showing me this today.  I know my heart can turn quickly on a dime when I'm not being proactive in controlling it.  I realize that my words can hurt someone, and I don't want that.  Please take control of my heart and lips, Lord, and don't let me say things that aren't said with love.  I pray for those who have this same struggle, Father, and ask for You to work in their hearts so that they will turn from these habits, and develop new habits that include seeking You first and foremost in everything.  Thank You for Your loving mercy and grace that I don't deserve, but You give freely and abundantly anyway.  In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray.  Amen!

God Bless!!!

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